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Daylight Savings Time – What Can You Do With an Extra Hour?

March 9, 2018

Filed under: Dental Tips — lobodds @ 8:00 am

It’s that time of year again… time to “spring forward” by setting the clock ahead one hour. Before you get all panicky thinking about losing an hour of sleep in an already too-short day, remember that moving your clock forward actually gives you an extra hour of daylight to enjoy!

Longer daylight hours generally give us more time to do the things we want to do. So, what will you do with that extra hour of daylight? There are a lot of things you could probably think of that you need to do. But extra time is like found money, it’s a windfall that you can use on something you just want, without feeling guilty.

So, here are some guilt-free suggestions on how to use that extra time.


Does a Healthy Mouth = a Healthy Heart? [Infographic]

February 15, 2018

Filed under: Dental Tips — lobodds @ 8:00 am

Has it been a while since your last dental checkup? We get it – life gets busy. You’re keeping up with your brushing and flossing, not experiencing any pain, and your teeth look fine, so does it really matter?

The truth is that avoiding or skipping regular dental checkups could potentially put your otherwise healthy mouth at risk for gum disease. In cases of advanced gum disease, bacteria in the mouth could potentially travel through the bloodstream, which could be a link to more serious conditions, including heart disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S., causing more than 610,000 deaths annually in the U.S. alone. Research suggests that heart disease and stroke may be linked to inflammation and infections caused by oral bacteria. Thus, a person with moderate to advanced gum disease may be at greater risk.


Answers to Your Top Questions About Cavities

December 15, 2017

Filed under: Dental Tips — Tags: , , , — lobodds @ 8:00 am

Imagine the scene: You’re sitting in the dentist’s chair, having just had x-rays taken. The dentist has come in for your exam and, while reviewing your x-rays, points to them and says the dreaded words, “Looks like you have a cavity.”

Have you sat through this very scene? If so, you’re not alone; 92% of adults have had cavities in their permanent teeth. However, even though they’re a common ailment, many patients have questions about cavities, their treatment, and prevention.


6 Easy At-Home Remedies for Fresh Breath

November 24, 2017

Filed under: Dental Tips — Tags: , , , — lobodds @ 8:00 am

We’ve all experienced it: The uncomfortable feeling that our breath isn’t as fresh as it should be. Millions of dollars are spent by Americans each year on mouthwash, mints, etc. to protect against offending workmates, friends, and family with our less-than-sweet breath.

But keeping your breath fresh doesn’t always require a trip to the personal care aisle of your local store. The remedy may be closer at hand, right in your very own cupboards.

Here are six simple at-home bad breath remedies to try.


Tips From The Torrance Tooth Doctor: How To Floss [INFOGRAPHIC]

November 6, 2017

Filed under: Dental Tips — Tags: , , — lobodds @ 9:03 pm

As a family dentist in Torrance, Dr. Erin Lobo wants only the best for your smile; she’s an advocate for your oral and overall health by providing hands-on education during your checkup appointments. This includes giving you the tips and tricks how to floss properly. Check out our infographic to learn about the importance of flossing:

Don’t forget to schedule a bi-annual checkup with Dr. Lobo today! We’re here to make sure you live your life free from pain. Please let us know how we can help with your oral health.

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